SHAFI FOUNDATION is working without any religious discrimination, More than 500 idols of ganesha are distributed on the auspicious occasion of ganesh chaturthi.
SHAFI FOUNDATION is working without any religious discrimination, More than 500 idols of ganesha are distributed on the auspicious occasion of ganesh chaturthi.
A medical camp was held in a locality where there was no hospitals facility and many people took advantage of it.
SHAFI FOUNDATION is working without any religious discrimination, More than 500 idols of ganesha are distributed on the auspicious occasion of ganesh chaturthi.
Reached the state human rights commission office to lodge a complaint
National chief promoter Masarat Fatima of SHAFI FOUNDATION distributed ration among many poor people.
National chief promoter Masarat Fatima of SHAFI FOUNDATION distributed ration among many poor people.
Ration is given to orphans madrassa students every month.
Security in a hospital did misbehave, on complaint the team of SHAFI FOUNDATION met RMO and security in-charge.
Team of SHAFI FOUNDATION met with state human rights commission at his office.
Team of SHAFI FOUNDATION met with state human rights commission at his office.
Chairman & chief promoter with local corporator in a program.
Invitation to medical camp to chairman of State Human Rights Commission from SHAFI FOUNDATION Chairman.
Chief proof SHAFI FOUNDATION and Chairman of State Human Rights Commission.
SHAFI FOUNDATION chairman discusses issues happening in the city with Madam Mayor.